Raising groundwater awareness

Know Your Well Project

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Student collecting sample

“Know Your Well” is a collaborative citizen science program training high school students how to sample and test well water quality. This project began in 2017 with 4 schools and, to date, has worked with over 30 schools and hundreds of students across Nebraska. Students collect water samples, test them in the classroom, and compare their results with tests conducted at the University of Nebraska Water Sciences Laboratory. Over 300 private wells have already been tested for nitrate, nitrite, metals, pesticides, coliform bacteria, and more! Students also collect land use and other data to help determine vulnerability to contamination. Well owners are supplied with test results and provided with information to help them evaluate their water quality. With assistance from key partnerships around the state, “Know Your Well” is helping well owners and future water scientists in Nebraska know more about groundwater in our state.

Read more about the Know Your Well project on the Nebraska Water Center website.