There are several ways to get involved with Know Your Well. Are you a high school science teacher who wants to introduce water science into your classroom? Are you part of an organization that stewards rural or urban water and natural resources? Or do you just have a general question? Reach out to us at knowyourwell@unl.edu
Are you interested in supporting science education for young learners? We are seeking donors to grow the future of Know Your Well. Please reach out to Barbara Soderlin, Director of Development, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska Foundation.
Do you want to get your students involved in citizen science, but are uncertain where to start? Know Your Well make it easy through testing domestic groundwater wells. Your students get to sample and test the water themselves and then compare results with UNL's Water Science Lab. This youth-driven program make students the experts on their local groundwater quality.
Get Involved
Regional Leaders
Are you a member of an organization who wants to increase connections to local schools? Whether you want to increase the visibility of your own water quality improvement programs or simply want to connect teachers to an active project, Know Your Well provides flexibility for all levels of participation.
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General Public
Do you own a domestic groundwater well that you would like to have tested at no cost to you? Do you or your organization want to financially support STEM programs for high school students? Are you a student who wants to test wells and share that information in your community? If so, we want to hear from you!
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